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Victory in 2023, Upward call in 2024

The Past 2023

2023 was a year of profound transformation and spiritual growth, not only for Pastor Dave but also for his entire MFHC community. It was a year that began with the stirring battle cry: "The Lord setting us up for victory in 2023." This theme resonated deeply, marking the beginning of a new chapter in Pastor Dave's life, especially as it was his first year of retirement following a distinguished career spanning several decades.

Pastor Dave's journey in service had been long and impactful. He dedicated 27 years to working in a nursing rehab facility, a decade in New York with the Catholic Charities Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens, and another 17 years with Project Compassion Ministries / Wellspring Lutheran Ministries in Metro Detroit Michigan. His retirement, however, was not an end but a new beginning.

The year kicked off with an emphasis on "Setting the house in order." This theme was not just metaphorical; it was a literal and figurative foundation for the year's events. The Dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, The immediate household of Faith, and the God’s house MFHC. Two active members of the church, Brother Alfred Mitchell, and Brother Tony Green, were ordained as ministers, symbolizing a fresh wave of leadership and commitment within the congregation.

Embracing the belief that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; Pastor Dave joined the Planet Fitness club. This decision underscored his commitment to taking care of his physical health, paralleling the spiritual stewardship he had shown throughout his career. His new role extended beyond spiritual leadership to being a full-time husband, housekeeper, cook, and doting grandfather.

With the onset of winter, Pastor Dave led the MFHC community in preparing for a significant spiritual event – 14 weeks of prayer for the revival of the city. This period, stretching from Memorial Day to Labor Day Sunday evening, praying for personal revival, touching individual families, stirring the neighborhood and the community, expanding to the city, the state, the country, and for all nations God’s outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was a time of deep reflection and collective prayer on the property now known as "The Prayer-Filled." It was a testament to MFHC enduring commitment to be a house of prayer for all people and nations.

2023 also saw Pastor Dave expand his spiritual network. He joined the Taylor Ministers Fellowship, meeting every third Tuesday of the month, and connected with the Kingdom Connection Network and Metro Life Church for gatherings every first Tuesday of the month. These new affiliations broadened his spiritual horizons and fostered a sense of unity among different faith communities. It also opens the door for fellowship with other believers that led to more prayers for the city of Taylor including prayers during City council meeting, sharing, mentoring, and just sheer beauty of the strong presence of the Lord during the gathering.

In October, the three Elders of the Church began meeting bi-monthly on Zoom, strategizing and planning for the congregation's future. This digital adaptation showed strength and a commitment to staying connected in changing times. The church also initiated Sunday prayers at 8:15 am, further solidifying its foundation in faith and collective worship.

In a significant shift, Pastor Dave shared his preaching responsibilities with the newly ordained ministers, Minister Alfred, and Tony. This move not only lightened his load but also empowered new voices within the church, adopting a sense of shared leadership and community growth.

The year's end brought an unexpected yet welcome development. Pastor Dave met with another church, through KCN, and Missionary USA, opening the doors for a potential partnership with MFHC. This encounter was a clear indication that the Lord was indeed setting MFHC up for victory in 2023.

Throughout the year, Pastor Dave's and MFHC journey was a testament to the power of prayer of faith, the importance of community, and the unceasing quest for spiritual growth. The story in 2023 was one of renewal, leadership, growth, and an unwavering commitment to serving others, marking a year that was truly blessed and divinely guided. 

The Future 2024

In 2024, a significant journey begins with a resolute battle cry: "Press on toward the goal, the upward call in 2024" (Philippians 3:14). This remarkable journey commenced on December 1, 2023, when the Lord orchestrated a divine connection. Through Pastor Patrick Bossio of the Kingdom Connection Network, and Apostle James Thompson, the district director of Metro Detroit Network, a new chapter were united. It was a divine appointment where two churches My Father’s House Church, Allen Road Missionary Church converged, to advance the mission entrusted to them by the Lord, a mission that would spread like wildfire, igniting cities, states, and nations.

At the heart of this endeavor lies the core belief of loving God with all passion and prayer, a principle that has been at the forefront of MFHC since its establishment in 2006. Now, in partnership with the Missionary USA's culture of evangelism and discipleship across nations, these two entities are set to merge into one powerful force. It marks a breakthrough moment where the two distinct paths unite in a shared purpose.

The inaugural fellowship meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 21, 2024, where the foundation of trust and unity will be laid by the elders. This meeting will usher in a harmonious blend of traditional practices transitioning, guided by the Holy Spirit, towards a more contemporary worship gathering. As part of this transformation, a new name will be bestowed, fresh Bylaws will be drafted, and a biblical leadership model will be embraced. A new name will be given to the marriage of these two churches.

The existing Missionary USA building, located on Allan Road in Taylor, Michigan, will serve as the sacred space where the new church will gather for worship. This facility is well-equipped, providing all the necessities to embark on a new chapter in the community.

As this journey unfolds, we earnestly request your prayers for the Lord's perfect timing and for the hearts of the people to be attuned to follow each step in unwavering faith. Together, we step into 2024 with a shared vision and a deep commitment to fulfill the mission set before us.

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